About Us

About Us


Tuskegee University, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Social Work, Continuing Education Academy (CEA)

“A race, like an individual, lifts itself up by lifting others up.” Booker T. Washintgon

Tuskegee University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral degrees.The College of Arts and Sciences Department of Social Work was founded in 1970, since 1974 the Department has been an accreditated Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) bachelor of social work program. To learn more about our bachelor of social work program visit Tuskegee University Department of Social Work.

The mission of the Department of Social Work Continuing Education Academy (CEA) is to provide social work continuing education for working professionals and students through online learning, virtual training, conferences, and license prepatory courses that award continuing education credits or certifcates of completion to learners. The CEA goal is, similiar to that of university co-founder Booker T. Washington's philosphy to "lift the veil of ignorance" by provding a pathway of education that will assist in the progression of oneself and others through transferance of knowledge to practice and to clients in the profession of social work.  As you continue your education to strengthen your practice skills, you are lifting up yourself that in-turn may lift up others (empowerment). The CEA will assist with supporting our department's mission and goals to deliver 21st Century education to our students. 

Our education partners for continuing education courses are nationally recognized companies with a track-record for social work instruction and education by licensed professionals. You will find cutting edge education for those who work in the social science profession. Our signature trainings include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • -  Child Welfare/Trauma Informed Practice
  • -  Telehealth & Simulaton Learning for Practice
  • -  Social Work License Exam Preparation & Supervision

The Department of Social Work is an approved continuing education provider by the Alabama Board of Social Work Examiners. This approval awards continuing education units (CEUs) to licensed social workers in the state of Alabama. However, other professionals, such as  counselors, psychologists, nurses may seek board approval from their license boards for CE credit. Those who reside outside of the state from any profession should get approval from your license board for CEU credit.

Please note some of our education partners have national CEU approval from NASW, ASWB, etc. for their e-learning courses.  Check with your license board about CEU approval prior to taking courses, if not a licensed social worker in the state of Alabama. 

Our focus is on helping you become successful!

We believe, as University’s co-founder, Booker T. Washington did, that, “Education is not what a person is able to hold in his head, so much as it is .... skill of hand, and strength of mind and heart; and we help you in these ways.”
