Professional Resilience: Ethics and Professional Self Care for Child Welfare Professionals

Professional Resilience: Ethics and Professional Self Care for Child Welfare Professionals

Professional Resilience: Ethics and Professional Self Care for Child Welfare Professionals

Note: This course, registration, and fees are managed on Terricka Hardy Consulting, LLC's site. To track completion and credits of this course on the TU site, please register for this course, and upload your completion certificate upon completion to this product. COST: $67.00

Course Description: Child welfare professionals across the nation are charged with the essential responsibilities of serving vulnerable children and families. Ensuring well-being, protecting children from abuse and neglect, strengthening families to reach permanency are some of the noble duties carried out by child welfare professionals. Working in a fast-paced work environment, making life-and-death decisions daily, and being exposed to trauma makes workers a high risk for burnout and professional impairment. For child welfare professionals, self-care isn’t just a good idea it is an ethical responsibility.

This course is specifically designed for child welfare professionals. This course includes real ethical case examples inspired by the instructor’s experience working in child welfare, relevant information on professional impairment, and effective self-care strategies and resources.

Target Audience: This course for child welfare professionals.

Course Objectives:

1.     Define the role of ethics in child welfare.

2.     Describe the signs of burnout.

3.     Review the negative effects of professional impairment & how it relates to ethical infractions.

4.     Discuss the role of self-care as an ethical imperative.

5.     Explore practical self-care strategies to build professional resilience.

"This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886738581-4416) for 3 continuing education contact hours." Category: Ethics

Please check with your state licensing boards for questions regarding your continuing education requirements.

Mrs. Terricka Hardy, LCSW, ACSW, BCD, CCPF

Clinical Social Work/President

Terricka Hardy, LLC

Terricka Hardy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, BoardCertified Diplomate in Social Work, and Certified Compassion FatigueProfessional and the owner of Terricka Hardy Consulting, LLC.  She isa professional development trainer and coach, former member of the NASWNational Ethics Committee and member of the Editorial Board for the Journalof International Social Work Values and Ethics. Terricka has trainedthousands of social workers and helping professionals nationally andinternationally. Her areas of expertise lies at the intersection of ethics,mental health, child welfare, and self-care. She is a featured contributorof The Routledge Handbookof Social Work Ethics and Values published in 2019. In 2020, Terricka leda subcommittee of social workers to create revisions to the NASW Code of Ethicsregarding self-care for social workers. The changes were accepted by the NASWDelegate Assembly and have been added the NASW Code of Ethics; effective June2021. For more information and to connect with Terricka, email orvisit Terricka Hardy, LCSW.

Components visible upon registration.