Social Work Breaks Barriers: Using the Arts for Trauma-Informed Care of Families and Practitioners (FULL CONFERENCE BUNDLE)

Social Work Breaks Barriers: Using the  Arts for Trauma-Informed Care  of Families and Practitioners (FULL CONFERENCE BUNDLE)

Social Work Breaks Barriers: Using the Arts for Trauma-Informed Care of Families and Practitioners (FULL CONFERENCE BUNDLE)

  • Registration Closed
The Triggered Project:

Social Work Breaks Barriers: Using the  Arts for Trauma-Informed Care  of Families and Practitioners

Are you a practitioner who has experienced vicarious trauma or has a client who needs intervention beyond just talk therapy? Join Tuskegee University(TU) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Social Work Department (SOWK) for its 3rd annual virtual conference in honor of National Social Work Month to equip your toolbox this year with sessions for you and/or your clients using the arts (drama, music, art, and self-care) for trauma-informed care practices that break barriers to health and wellness.  

Preconference Event: Triggered Life (March 23rd @ 5:30 PM CST)

Triggered Life (formerly called Triggered) is a multi sensory, multimedia, post-traumatic story. How exactly does Sexual trauma cast a shadow over the wholeness of Black male selfhood? When the shared cultural values of Black and Brown communities demand that men suppress their vulnerabilities and meet with their psychology alone.

Triggered Life follows a day in the life of two such men, Ishmael and Keith. As these men relive their stories of abusive childhoods, they embark on a journey to define their own manhood and identity.

The “Triggered Life” experience is a Two Act 90-minute long tour de force  with Act two being a Trauma-Informed Grounding and processing  facilitated by The Triggered Project’s Lead Clinician Roxann Mascoll MS,MSW, LICSW

Main Conference Events (March 24th @ 8:00 AM CST)

March 24, 2023



8:00-8:30 am


Spencer Croft

8:30-8:40 am


Dr. April Jones

8:40-10:15 am

 Keynote - "Redefining Social Work Practice"

Eugene Durrah

10:15-11:20 am

"Ethics and Self-Care in Social Work"

Terricka Hardy

11:20-11:30 am

Break / Prize Wheel

Spencer Croft

11:30 am-12:35 pm

"Therapeutic Parenting Strategies to Promote Attunement, Attachment, and Felt Safety"

Edna Davis-Brown & Lisa Maynard

12:35 - 1:35 pm


1:45-2:50 pm

"Building Resilience Through Promoting Attachment & Trauma Healing"

Ginger Healy

2:50-3:55 pm

"Understanding Art Therapy: Cultural Implications and Identity"

Dr. Tiyahri Wilson

3:55-4:05 pm

Break / Prize Wheel

Spencer Croft

4:05-5:40 pm 

"Triggered Life - Narrative Therapy"

Roxann Moscoll

5:40-6:00 pm 

Closing/Final Prize Drawing

Dr. April Jones

*Note: All times are US Central Standard Time (CST)

Conference Grantor

This conference was made possible through generous grant support provided by:

Alabama Higher Education Consortium on Child Welfare